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Medical & healthcare professionals: We need your thoughts and opinions, too! Your information is used for our database only! Thanks for your interest!
Satellite Research is committed to protecting the privacy of all information we collect from our clients, research participants and visitors to our website. As a member of the Marketing Research Association (MRA), the professional association of marketing research companies, Satellite Research follows the mandated MRA Code of Standards and Ethics for Survey Research. This code includes requirements for protection of personal information and respondent identifying information.
Client Information
We treat all information we receive from clients as confidential and do not use the information for any purpose other than to fulfill our obligations to clients. We keep client information secure at all times, and prevent the use and disclosure of it by our employees or any third parties.
Research Participant Information
All responses to our research are completely confidential. We collect data in our studies for research purposes only, and our use of that information will be limited to that purpose. Research participant answers will not be used in any other way. Research participation is voluntary and sample members always have the opportunity to decline involvement or to “opt out” of the research after agreeing to participate. We do not collect personal information without research participant consent. All studies provide a toll-free contact number or an email address to decline participation. We do not sell or give personal information to any third party.
Children’s Research Policy
To secure our respondents’ personal information and following the marketing research industry’s recruiting safe practices, Satellite Research does not knowingly make direct contact with children under the age of 15 to participate in research activities. If we require survey information from children under the age of 15, we will first contact the parent or legal guardian to arrange the survey activities as well as encourage the parent or legal guardian to closely monitor and participate in the survey activities.